We are grateful that you have taken an interest in what is going on at Gregg Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Fort Walton Beach Florida. We call this paradise. Our church is rich in the Methodist tradition as you will find when you look at the section on the history of our church, and we do encourage you to take a good browse. As you browse we are sure that you will get a sense that Gregg Chapel is an exciting place to visit, especially if you have never visited us.
As you browse around the site, please pay particular attention to the various ministries we have available that are designed to grow and nurture our members into the type of Christians that the Lord would have them to be. We have a holistic ministry where we strive to minister to the body, mind, and spirit of the individual.
Our theme at Gregg Chapel is “Continuously Pursuing Perfection for the Coming of Christ.” We must be prepared for his coming. Our guiding principles are Pride, Perfection, and Praise.
If you are ever in the beautiful city of Fort Walton Beach Florida, please pay us a visit.
May God Richly Bless You, Is Our Prayer.
Reverend Cecil B. Williams, Pastor
First Lady Cassandra J. Williams
January, 2025
August 26,2019
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