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The first thing we need to understand is who Ron DeSantis is and what he really believes. On several occasions by several people, Ron DeSantis has been called a racist. Others have said no he’s not a racist he is just looking out for the betterment of Florida and now the country. Without taking any sides in the vein of journalism, we want to provide you with enough information so that you can make your own decision as to what you would like to call him. So, let’s start from the beginning.
In 2022, there was this beautiful commercial where Casey DeSantis got on television and told the world how when she was going through her bout with cancer, Ron took the reins and saw her through it. He did everything he needed to do to make her feel better and she made it through with his help. After seeing that commercial, we all got warm and fuzzy feelings. But even during that time, there was a narrative being pushed by Ron and that commercial helped blur the lines of his initiative.
Once Ron won his second term, Casey’s tears dried up and they have been on a mission ever since to show white America that he is truly in their corner. Or at least that’s how it seems. So, what exactly is Ron DeSantis’ mission and how did he get the mission that he is now on? Because before being elected governor, no one in Florida really knew who Ron DeSantis was. The vast majority of people just elected him because he was white, and Florida never had a black governor and didn’t want one. However, there is a real history behind how this man was even selected.
Let’s start from the beginning. Looking at Ron DeSantis’ background he gets glowing reviews for all that he has done to get to where he is today. Ron worked his way through Yale University, where he graduated with honors and was the captain of the varsity baseball team. He also graduated with honors from Harvard Law School. While at Harvard, he earned a commission in the U.S. Navy as a JAG officer. After active-duty service, Ron served as a federal prosecutor. He was first elected to Congress in 2012. His resume is extremely impressive. Yet, there is a backend story that we don’t ever really hear about. For example, how was DeSantis raised?
Ron DeSantis’ father Ronald D DeSantis Sr and his wife Karen raised Ron Jr. with a specific belief system. Before his son started to run for governor, Ron Sr, shared a Facebook post that called then-President Barack Obama a “cop-hating terrorist,” one of several racially tinged posts he shared on social media in recent years. After the news got wind of these comments, he quickly deleted his social media pages, but as you know nothing ever disappears from the internet. However, it poses the question that if the father believes this what does the son, then believe?
In the past could of years, Ron Jr. has been showing America what he absolutely believes without shame or fear because the temperature of the United States has truly changed since Trump was in office. People are a lot bolder about how they feel. This has changed the course in which America is going and the message that people are conveying. In the past 3 years, DeSantis has put into place several policies that will later on hurt several communities. He has basically put a ban on books that talk about historical events that the American people need to know all in the name of saving white children from being hurt. In some cases, books should be banned because children shouldn’t have to worry about sex until they understand their bodies better.
However, the mistreatment of black people shouldn’t be silenced. DeSantis did what this country has been doing for years and that is lumped African Americans in with gender, and sexual orientation. Using the term Critical Race Theory as his vehicle. DeSantis has decided to go after and destroy the history of America. What is sad is that white America has given its approval.
In all honesty, black people don’t want anyone to feel hurt. However, black people are still treated as if they do not belong in this country on a daily basis. If black history is taken and erased from America, then all that America stands for, and lives is a lie. Banning books about how black people have been and are treated will never change what is going on in America. And if black America was and is able to suffer through this history, why is it that white America finds it so hard to discuss?
Late last year, DeSantis decided to get into the illegal immigration war. The Florida Legislature appropriated $12 million to transport “illegal immigrants” from the state, consistent with federal law, Fenske said. However, these illegal immigrants were not entering the state of Florida illegally. They were coming through Texas and had no bearing on the population of Florida. Florida is doing well, but to take the taxpayer’s money and use it frivolously like that speaks volumes. In addition, DeSantis just signed a bill that will take licenses from illegal immigrants who work here in the United States. Now this sounds good in some instances because the migration of illegal immigrants has run ramped. However, most Americans are not taken into account how much illegal immigrants do in this country. Many of them work of them on farms and pick our food. Many of them work in homes for people that need childcare. Many clean homes for people. Many of them work in shops that make clothing and much more all for pennies on the dollar. They do the jobs that most Americans won’t do. So, what happens when they are shipped home, and we have no workers?

by Katrice Johnson
I’m a graphic designer and web designer. I am also the author of three books and working on my fourth now.
For more information about me and how I can help you with your business, please go to my website Graphic Grooves Consulting