First things first, the awe-inspiring quote circulating in the first half of Martin Luther King’s speech at the Minneapolis Riots of 1967; “And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.” Yet, the second half is often kept quiet due to the undeniable truth it still holds for America. “It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”
And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard...
DR. Martin Luther King Jr.
It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”
This article is not the explanation or defense of protesting, rioting, or looting. This article is simply an arsenal of helpful tips and important things to remember while peacefully protesting. As we have seen in the resurgence of the Minneapolis Riots of 2020, these peaceful protests have turned violent very quickly, regardless of the source. In Pensacola specifically, we haven’t had a violent protest due to the murder of George Floyd, but if in the event that we do. Please stay safe.
Masks are severely important in this time of crisis, in the other riots across the United States we have seen the use of excessive force between Police and the African American population. One of these being the use of teargas, please protect yourself from this irritant as much as possible. WOMEN: Tear gas will stick to eyeliner and mascara please do not wear any eye makeup to the riots!!!!! Also, in the case of being attacked with this substance please use milk and other trusted substances to treat this.
No recognizable features
Please understand that the consequences of riots, being a social justice warrior can mean social ostracism, persecution, or even death. Please cover any defining tattoos, birthmarks, any identifiable features. With this concept, please refrain from posting pictures of yourself or others rioting without concern. Many people are targeted because of their voice and image being spread throughout the media. It has been proven that authorities use facial-recognition software to target and arrest those caught on film to make an ”example”.
The importance of film
There is an undeniable understanding that some people will never believe it until they see it. One of the most frustrating things to see is the media continuously making excuses for the oppressor due to a lack of evidence. You may not always be able to physically stop the war at hand but you can always contribute to the aftermath reel of understanding why we CANNOT let our country do this [torture our people] again.
Do not buy online
Please do not buy any riot gear online. This includes masks as well as other protective gear. These purchases are being tracked and could lead back to you becoming a target as stated in Tip #3.
Please do not bring children
A 14-year-old girl was shot with rubber bullets and arrested for protesting during the Cincinnati riots, they are targeting our children and will have no mercy. Please keep our future generations safe.
Know your Rights
Fight for them If you or someone you know is arrested while protesting, immediately contact a lawyer. Many law firms are offering pro-bono representation to those wrongfully taken into custody.
Keep your brothers and sisters safe, regardless of color
Keep allies safe, undocumented peoples safe, and your families safe. They are calling in the National Guard, ICE, local Police Departments, and local Militias in.
Be Aware
There are UNDERCOVER OFFICERS in the riot zones, they are not required to wear body cams or any identifying badge or name tags. Please do not let any ally or POC be cornered alone. Be watchful and aware.
For our brothers, our sisters, our allies, and our friends. The Lord is in full control.
In conclusion, keep each other safe and continue to fight this good fight.