Warrington Middle School
After much debate and several firings, Warrington Middle School is on a new path. The city of Pensacola has decided to allow the school to become a charter school and moreover a preparatory school. What does this mean for Warrington Middle School? With the Warrington area being a majority-black community, there has been a lot of neglect in that area. From housing to education that area has been passed over. So, how will this school benefit the black community?
According to the Progressive Magazine, The education system has failed black children. At least, that’s how black parents see it.
As a 2017 poll shows, 42 percent of black parents believe the education provided to black students is not as good as that for whites. 90 percent do not believe that schools in black communities receive the same level of funding as schools in white communities.
Warrington Middle School has been through enough. With scandals, and fights breaking out. The children need hope in that school. I went on the school website today and they proudly announced that The Warrington Preparatory Academy will serve the students that reside in the current Warrington Middle School zone for the 2023-24 school year. It had a lot of good information on the site explaining how it would help the youth in that community. If your child is in that community go to the site to see what it’s saying at https://wms-ecsd-fl.schoolloop.com/. There will be a follow-up on this story on Friday after we speak with the superintendent and principal.